No quedo en embarazo: 10 razones para seguir intentándolo

I did not get pregnant: 10 reasons to keep trying

Sometimes get pregnant It does not happen as easily as you expected, nor as it sometimes happens to your friends and acquaintances who sometimes succeed, without even looking for it. Getting that longed-for baby can become a long,...
¿Existe una dieta para quedar embarazada?

Is there a diet to get pregnant?

There are more and more articles, blogs, books and posts on the recommended foods for increase fertility in addition to the prenatal vitamins . This is positive, because it means that we think of food as a proven...
El coste económico de la infertilidad

The economic cost of infertility

There are more and more people suffering from infertility worldwide, regardless of whether couples or individuals are considered. As a consequence of this, state data shows that there are 468 reproduction clinics human in Spain. Of...
¿Cuándo congelar mis óvulos y por qué?

When to freeze my eggs and why?

Some women, due to lack of information, let our best reproductive age without making decisions about motherhood. One of the most common reasons is usually that we believe that we still have time to think about it....
Hormona antimulleriana: valores normales y relación con la fertilidad

Anti-Müllerian hormone: normal values ​​and relationship with fertility

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is produced in the preantral and antral follicles of the ovaries from puberty to menopause. The values ​​of this hormone are the indicator to know the state of the ovarian reserve and...
Mi pareja no quiere tener hijos y yo sí

My partner does not want to have children and I do

Whether or not to have children is a decision that countless people make at a given moment in their lives for a specific reason or because it is something they have been clear about for...
Infertilidad Femenina: principales causas y síntomas

Female infertility: main causes and symptoms

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) infertility affects some 186 million people in the world. The feminine registers 30% of the cases like the masculine and 20% are mixed or combined. That is, where...
¿Por qué no todas las vitaminas son iguales?

Why aren't all vitamins the same?

when we think of vitamins or nutritional supplements , most of the time we do not stop to analyze the quality, origin or bioavailability of its ingredients. Sometimes we buy them for medical recommendation without paying enough attention...