Clínicas de Fertilidad: 5 consejos para encontrar la indicada

Fertility Clinics: 5 tips to find the right one

We frequently find clinics and fertility institutes that advertise on social networks and there is a wide range of treatments with a wide variety of prices. Choosing the best fertility clinic for you can be...
Fertilidad y Ejercicio

Fertility and Exercise

Some studies have been done on the relationship between exercise and fertility; So far, the answers are very mixed.
Calidad Embrionaria: ¿Se deben trasplantar embriones de menor calidad?

Embryo Quality: Should lower quality embryos be transplanted?

When it comes to embryo transfer, it is a small victory to obtain embryos for transfer. However, we are not yet done with the process; We continue with the selection of the embryos and the...
Colina: un nutriente esencial que fortalece el cerebro

Choline: an essential nutrient that strengthens the brain

Many know the importance of folate before and during pregnancy: it supports the development of the baby's brain and helps prevent neural tube defects. But there is another nutrient that plays a very similar role...
Fertilidad después de los 35: ¿es muy tarde para quedar embarazada después de los 35?

Fertility after 35: is it too late to get pregnant after 35?

It would be ideal if all women could become pregnant before the age of 35; but in a real world where there are careers, priorities and needs such as economic stability, it is not always...
¿Cuáles son los riesgos de los tratamientos de fertilidad?

What are the risks of fertility treatments?

Fertility treatments are generally quite safe: most women are no more likely to experience health or pregnancy problems than women who have conceived naturally. However, there are some risks to take into account, ranging from...
Vitaminas Prenatales: ¿Son todas iguales?

Prenatal Vitamins: Are They All The Same?

Prenatal Vitamins, are they all the same? Here are some essential ingredients to look for in a prenatal multivitamin
¿Cómo seguir preparándome para quedar embarazada durante el verano?

How to continue preparing to get pregnant during the summer?

During the summer, in addition to enjoying the holidays, how can these alterations in my routine affect my fertility and the results of my treatment?
Tratamiento de Reproducción Asistida: ¿Cuándo iniciar?

Assisted Reproduction Treatment: When to start?

Around infertility, there are many doubts, gaps and questions that couples or people have to face and many decisions that they must make after receiving a diagnosis. The ease of achieving a pregnancy or starting...