Is there a diet to get pregnant?

¿Existe una dieta para quedar embarazada?

There are more and more articles, blogs, books and posts on the recommended foods for increase fertility in addition to the prenatal vitamins . This is positive, because it means that we think of food as a proven and fundamental factor to have a diet to get pregnant

Avoiding refined flour and unhealthy fats (saturated, hydrogenated and trans) decreases insulin levels in the blood. This hormone has an impact on the egg quality . On the other hand, increasing the intake of antioxidants, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits is beneficial for health and It will enhance fertility .

Your diet to get pregnant should have fresh products. (Pexels)

Relationship of sugar and insulin with fertility

One of the most important aspects to take into account when establishing a diet that contributes to fertility is the relationship between sugar and insulin level in blood. When consuming refined flours (white bread, pasta, potatoes, bakery products...) glucose is released into the bloodstream. This increases rapidly blood sugar levels. In turn, it causes the pancreas to have to release a huge amount of insulin to compensate for this imbalance.

The “extra” glucose that stays in the bloodstream can have detrimental effects on the body. This is because the more glucose is released, the more insulin is produced by the pancreas and can disrupt the balance of other hormones that regulate our reproductive system and that are produced precisely in the pancreas. It does not mean that we have to completely abandon flour or carbohydrates radically, but it is advisable that choose the best type and quantities are controlled.

Change refined flours for healthy carbohydrates like potatoes. (Pexels)

The study Nurses Health Study from Harvard University (United States) brought together a group of 100,000 women and analyzed their lifestyles. He concluded that those who regularly consume refined carbohydrates have a 78% more risk of suffer female infertility and absence of ovulation than women who consume slowly absorbed carbohydrates. Modify your diet to include unrefined whole grains , will have a beneficial effect on your fertility.

A good diet to get pregnant and its relationship with IVF

This change is really important when we talk about In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or assisted reproduction treatments. Other studies have shown that women who accumulate high levels of so-called " advanced glycation end products " (molecules that accumulate in the blood as a result of levels sugar high ) have fewer eggs retrieved, fewer fertilized embryos, and less good quality.

The idea of ​​this is not to give complicated theories, nor very scientific explanations. However, it is important to understand why you should make certain changes to your diet in order to get pregnant and to help develop a healthy baby.

This should be your diet to get pregnant

  • Eat more protein and healthy fats than carbohydrates. The ideal diet to optimize your fertility should be 30% protein, 45% good fats and 25% carbohydrates. I do not mean that you go crazy weighing each food, but if you divide your plate you can do calculations

  • At breakfast swap buttered toast for a thin slice of 100% whole wheat bread (or quinoa) with Iberian ham and tomato. Try to eat only one whole grain carbohydrate per meal or one complex carbohydrate . Quinoa, brown rice, legumes, oats, nuts, and vegetables like pumpkin are good choices.
  • Consume fats healthy . Healthy fats are rich in Omega 3 and help reduce inflammation in the body, improving the quality of your eggs: olive oil, avocado, oily fish and nuts. When we talk about fats, we are not referring to starting to eat fried foods.

A whole wheat toast with fresh avocado and serrano ham is a healthy breakfast. (Pexels)
  • try consume organic meats or from animals that have been raised in the wild as far as possible. Free-range meat is higher in protein, healthy fats and vitamins, as well as fewer hormones and toxins. Doing so can be difficult, especially if you're eating out, but simple changes like buy organic eggs and a good Iberian ham are of great help.
  • Remember that fruits, although they are very healthy, have a high sugar content. Consume them in moderation prioritizing those that have little sugar such as red fruits, watermelon and grapefruit can be beneficial for your reproductive health. Do not eliminate them from your diet because they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants , but you should consume them in moderation.

Introduce red fruits in your diet to get pregnant. (Pexels)
  • try consume organic meats or from animals that have been raised in the wild as far as possible. Free-range meat is higher in protein, healthy fats and vitamins, as well as fewer hormones and toxins. Doing so can be difficult, especially if you're eating out, but simple changes like buy organic eggs and a good Iberian ham are of great help.
  • Remember that fruits, although they are very healthy, have a high sugar content. Consume them in moderation prioritizing those that have little sugar such as red fruits, watermelon and grapefruit can be beneficial for your reproductive health. Do not eliminate them from your diet because they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants , but you should consume them in moderation.


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