Baja Reserva Ovárica

Low Ovarian Reserve

Fertility normally declines with age like all functions of the human body. In women, it can be observed from about the age of 30, becoming more pronounced during the 40s. The human ovary contains a...
Infertilidad: cómo enfrentarte a ella y vencer tus miedos

Infertility: how to face it and overcome your fears

The mere thought of having to face an infertility diagnosis, looking for an assisted reproduction clinic for a consultation, of telling your family or friends, of those minutes waiting for the result of another test,...
Sustancias y Medicamentos que Afectan la Fertilidad | Parte II

Substances and Medications that Affect Fertility | Part II

Unfortunately, BPA is not the only example of a toxin that can affect fertility by acting as an endocrine disruptor. Another type of toxin that can also affect the quality of the eggs and fertility...
Sustancias y Medicamentos que Afectan la Fertilidad | Parte I

Substances and Medications that Affect Fertility | Part I

When I talk to women who want to get pregnant or suffer from infertility, I am surprised that most are not aware of, nor have they heard of, the dangers and the impact that some...
¿La Seguridad Social en España cubre los tratamientos de fertilidad o fecundación in vitro?

Does Social Security in Spain cover fertility treatments or in vitro fertilization?

Since the president of the Community of Madrid presented, in January of this year, the new birth and fertility plan, where the age limit for requesting assisted reproduction treatments in regional public health is extended...
Reproducción asistida explicada por un experto

Assisted reproduction explained by an expert

We hear more and more about assisted reproduction: IVF or in vitro fertilization, inseminations, fertility clinics, egg preservation, donors, surrogates and many more concepts and treatments that are still not very clear to many. Unfortunately,...
Diferencias entre infertilidad y esterilidad: Mitos y verdades

Differences between infertility and sterility: Myths and truths

Unfortunately, according to the World Health Organization, infertility affects approximately 186 million people in the world. It is a growing problem and also a business that generates a lot of money. Infertility affects approximately 186...
¿Qué es la endometriosis?

What is endometriosis?

We've probably all heard the word endometriosis at some point, but unless you have or have someone close to you who does, we don't know much about this disease. Endometriosis affects approximately 176 million women...
Tips para Mejorar la Fertilidad en la Mujer

Tips to Improve Fertility in Women

Recommendations from our experts to achieve a pregnancy more easily Finding the perfect time to seek a pregnancy can be a very difficult task. Plus, it's exhausting to think about all the changes you'll have...